The Case for 21st Century Schools

The facts and figures change rapidly, but the trends and themes outlined in this video make the case for

  • educating our students in an environment that is problem based
  • requires critical thinking
  • requires oral and written reflections
  • teaches students how to use technology (integrating their oral and written reflections)
  • and is "connected" - globally.

The video is courtesy of The Fischbowl - Karl Fisch's blog. Karl is Director of Technology at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado and he is certainly a leader when it comes to forward thinking and 21st century school development. He, along with Scott McLeod, JD, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota have worked on developing the "Did You Know" series of presentations to keep us all looking at "the big picture. They've been used as conversation starters all over the world and especially in schools who are thinking about where we are headed. Watch and reflect. What does all this mean for students - even at the elementary level?


dtresca said...

Great video! Thanks for sharing. The facts in this are amazing. This is why schools need to learn to use the new technology that is available to them.